
Ignition Interlock Systems Can Reduce DUI Car Accidents

As an Atlanta injury lawyer, I often find that a significant number of wrongful deaths and serious personal injuries arise from drunk driving accidents involving repeat offenders.A new study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicates that the use of ignition interlock devices is successful in preventing repeat drunk driving. Such prevention would unquestionably result in a reduction in drunk driving accidents, injuries and deaths. Each and every Atlanta injury lawyer should advocate for the use of these devices.

The study found that recidivism rates for DUI dropped by approximately 67% when ignition interlock devices were used.Many states including Georgia, have adopted alcohol ignition interlock devices as part of their efforts against DUI.In Georgia, persons convicted of DUI can be ordered by courts to have an ignition interlock device installed in their vehicles if they have prior DUI convictions too.The device requires drivers to blow into it, and measures the alcohol on his breath.If the alcohol content is found to be excessive, the device prevents the motorist from starting the engine.The researchers say that these devices are so useful in preventing drunk driving accidents, that they should be made a mandatory part of DUI prevention efforts around the country. As an injury lawyer, I couldn’t agree more.

Ignition interlock devices receive a lot of criticism from DUI attorneys and the beverage industry.However, these devices have become more sophisticated, accurate and reliable over the years.It’s much harder to “fool” an ignition interlock system now than it used to be a couple of years ago.Some devices require the user to hum while breathing into the tube.

The most effective way to prevent drunk drivers from attempting to drive in an intoxicated state again, is to simply shut the engine down if they are intoxicated. No engine, no accidents. License suspensions, fines and penalties have a very limited effect on reducing DUI recidivism rates.

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