
Halloween Safety Tips to Prevent Georgia Pedestrian Accidents

Children in Georgia, who are out trick-or-treating on Halloween, have an increased risk of being involved in a pedestrian accident.According to the NHTSA, more than 4,000 children between 5 and 14 are injured every year in pedestrian accidents on Halloween.

Both parents and motorists have a big role to play in keeping children safe over Halloween by preventing pedestrian accidents.If your child is trick-or-treating on Halloween, make sure that there’s an escort with the children at all times.Explain all traffic safety rules to your child.Avoid dressing up a child in large and cumbersome costumes that can pose a potential slip and fall hazard.The costumes must be simple, but as colorful as possible.Bright colors can help a driver see your child in the dark.If that’s not possible, stick some reflective tape on the costume.Try and avoid masks and large hats as much as possible.These may obstruct your child’s vision, and he may fail to notice an approaching car.Facial makeup can easily substitute for a mask. Children must also avoid trick-or-treating in unlit or busy areas.

Motorists can do their bit by being aware that there are hundreds of children out there for whom safety might be a low priority. Unless it is it absolutely essential, avoid driving on Halloween night.If you have to drive, make sure that you are extra focused and alert.Avoid driving under the influence of alcohol, and switch off all distractions while driving.That includes your music system, your GPS navigation system and your cell phones and Blackberry/iPhones.Look out especially hard for children at crowded intersections or near crosswalks.Watch out for children who may suddenly dart into the road.

The Atlanta car accident attorneys at our firm would like to wish everyone a safe and enjoyable Halloween!

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