
Georgia’s Car Accident Record Makes it One of the Worst Driving States

Georgia gets a mention in a new list of some of the worst driving states in the country, thanks to a new study which considered a number of factors including car accident rates while assigning rankings.

The rankings come from research conducted by Quote Wizard.  The Quote Wizard team analyzed more than ten million insurance quotes before arriving at these findings. The company releases its list of the worst driving states in the country every year and this year, Georgia is mentioned in the top 25 worst driving states in the United States. The state ranks at number 17 on the list.

The research team used several parameters, including the number of auto accidents, DUI violations,  number of speeding tickets issued in each state and the citations for violations for running a red light or using a cell phone while driving.  According to the research team, states that were ranked in the top 25 worst driving states had high auto accident rates compared to the states that were ranked at the bottom of the list which had lower car accident rates in comparison.

There were some other very interesting findings from the study. The study found that states that had very high rates of DUI also had very high rates of other kinds of violations, including speeding. These states were also likely to have very high car accident rates in comparison to those states that did not have such high DUI rates.

Some of the most common citations included failure to signal and failure to wear a seat belt while driving. While these may not seem like very serious citations, they do increase the risk that motorists will engage in other risky driving behaviors that increase the risk of being involved in an auto accident.  Motorists who drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs, for instance, are also at a very high risk of speeding or driving the wrong way. Statistics find that many drunk driving car accidents, in fact, also involve high speeds and high impact.

Rash driving behaviors can significantly increase your risk of being involved  in a car accident, and also increase your risk of causing serious personal injuries to other motorists on the road. You might be driving a state -of -the -art car with the latest auto tech safety systems, but these will not help you avoid the consequences of poor driving behaviors, increasing your  chances of being involved in a potentially serious car accident.

The Atlanta car crash attorneys at Katz Personal Injury Lawyers are dedicated to the representation of persons injured in car accidents in the metro Atlanta region and across Georgia.  If you or a loved one have suffered injuries in a car accident, talk to a lawyer at our firm and determine if you have legal options to a claim for damages.   You may be eligible for compensation that includes medical expenses, lost income and other types of damages.  Talk to an attorney at our firm and discuss your case.

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