
Georgia Motorcycle Safety Program Receives Much-Needed Boost

The Georgia Motorcycle Safety Program does important work in educating riders of every level and motorists about safety.  Recently,  the program received a significant boost through a substantial funding grant.

The Georgia Motorcycle Safety Program is an initiative by the Georgia Department of Driver Services, and is focused on providing motorcycle safety awareness and training programs to riders across the state. The Georgia Motorcycle Safety Program recommends motorcycle training for motorcyclists before they begin riding.  You can find approved providers for the Georgia Motorcycle Safety Program near you.

Training is a vital component of motorcycle safety, and if you are a new motorcycle rider, it is recommended that you take a training course before you start riding.  Apart from training, the Georgia Motorcycle Safety Program also focuses its efforts on conducting rider education and awareness programs for both motorcyclists and motorists across the state of Georgia.

Recently, the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety gave a grant of more than $120,000 to the Georgia Motorcycle Safety Program. The funding is meant to be used to finance the program’s many functions.  The grant will be used to fund motorcycle safety awareness and education programs in the state of Georgia. Too many motorists remain unaware about the serious need to look out for motorcyclists behind and around them. The money will be used to spread awareness about techniques that can help you avoid hitting motorcyclists. The funds will also be used to help educate motorcycle riders about safe riding.

The Georgia Motorcycle Safety Program conducts training programs not just for fresh or amateur motorcyclists, but also for more experienced motorcyclists, and recommends that older motorcyclists who have several years of riding under their belt undertake regular courses to update their knowledge and fine-tune their driving skills further. The Program says that it wants all amateur motorcyclists to have access to safety training in order to be able to ride it safely. According to the Georgia Motorcycle Safety Program, as many as 1/3rd of motorcyclists who die in accidents do not have a valid license.

Motorcycle safety training and greater awareness about the rights of motorcyclists as well as the responsibility of motorists are key to helping reduce the number of motorcyclists killed in accidents on Georgia roads. While motorcyclists can empower themselves by getting trained before they begin riding, the fact is that much of their safety depends on the behavior of motorists on the streets. If you are a motorist, always look out for motorcyclists. A motorcyclist may be easier to miss because of the narrow frame of his or her vehicle, but that is no excuse for you to ignore these important safety rules. Remember, that in any accident involving your car and the motorcycle, it is the motorcycle rider who has a much higher risk of being injured in an accident.

The Atlanta motorcycle accident attorneys at the Katz Personal Injury Lawyers represent persons who have suffered injuries in motorcycle accidents in the metro Atlanta region and across Georgia.  If you or a loved one have suffered injuries in a motorcycle accident, talk to a lawyer at our firm, and determine your legal options to a claim for damages.

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