
Georgia Law Enforcement Kicks off Labor Day Drunk Driving Crackdown

Georgia Law Enforcement Kicks off Labor Day Drunk Driving Crackdown

Across Georgia, Labor Day counts as one of the deadliest holidays in the calendar. Every year, during the holiday that marks the official end of the summer, several drunk driving accidents are caused by holiday makers who have neglected to designate an official driver for the evening.

Last year, there were 2,154 accidents reported during the 78-hour period that marks the most dangerous day for motorists around the holiday. Those accidents injured 577 people, and killed 20. Most of these accidents, not surprisingly, were linked to driving under the influence.

Nationwide, the Department of Transportation kicked off its drunk driving crackdown earlier this month.In Georgia, the program is called Operation Zero Tolerance. The program began on Friday, and will run through September 7th. This year, for the fourth consecutive year, there will be thousands of traffic enforcement officers, who will conduct sobriety checkpoints and patrols through out Georgia.Motorists traveling during the holiday are encouraged to avoid driving drunk. If you are driving in a group, designate one person as the sober driver for the evening, and if that’s not possible, call for a cab. Georgia drunk driving accident lawyers would also encourage holiday travelers to buckle up to stay safe.

Operation Zero Tolerance is named thus for its aggressive, no-excuses approach to drunk driving. Motorists, who are caught driving with a blood alcohol concentration level of .08 and above, will simply be arrested. There will be no citations, no fines and no warnings.

Operation Zero Tolerance is one way that law enforcement officers help keep drunk drivers off the road, and other motorists safe. Far too often, lives are lost when an impaired driver crashes his car into somebody, after he’s been able to drive for miles under the influence. With concentrated patrols, the chances of a drunk driver being on the road long enough to cause serious injury or death, become lower.

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