
Georgia DOT Releases New Safe Driving Videos

Georgia highway officials have made a lot of progress in helping reduce the number of people killed in traffic accidents across the state. However, thousands of people continue to die, or are seriously injured in accidents across the state every year.In order to help reduce those numbers further, the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) has developed and released a new series of videos.
GDOT has launched a new video initiative that comes in response to a call by the Federal Highway Administration to reduce traffic accident fatalities across the country to 0.The Federal Highway Administration’s Towards Zero Deaths initiative is aimed at minimizing the number of traffic accident fatalities across the country.

In order to support this initiative, the Georgia Department of Transportation is promoting a new series of educational videos. These videos will appear GDOT’s YouTube Channel and website.

The videos called Drive Smart will encourage motorists to focus on the only task that they should be paying attention to while driving – driving. According to the Georgia Department of Transportation, videos will be released over the next four weeks.

Of particular focus will be the reduction of pedestrian fatalities in the state of Georgia.Last year, there were 160 pedestrian accident deaths in the State, a number our Atlanta pedestrian accident attorneys could be significantly reduced. In fact, there has been little progress in reducing the number of pedestrians killed in the State, and GDOT wants to focus on this very essential safety issue.The Georgia Department of Transportation has also launched a Complete Streets Policy, which is aimed at helping make the state’s streets and communities safer for pedestrians.

More efforts against distracted driving are necessary in order to help reduce accident fatalities in GA, and the videos will also focus on this aspect.The number of accident fatalities attributed to driving under the influence of alcohol has been dropping over the past five years, but the same cannot be said for driving while using cell phones.

GDOT needs to focus especially hard on teen drivers who are much more at risk for accidents involving cell phones while driving.In 2012, there were 1,199 accident fatalities in Georgia. That was a dramatic drop from back in 2005, when 1,740 people were killed in accidents in Georgia.However, there is a need to reduce the number of fatalities further.

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