
Georgia DOT Announces Winners of Traffic Safety Sign Contest

If you’re out driving on the roads anywhere, there is no doubt you’ve seen them – traffic signs.  Traffic safety signs play a huge part in helping reduce traffic accident fatalities every year. However, for many motorists, they are usually routine, and extremely easy to ignore.

To help improve noticeability, the Georgia Department of Transportation had recently announced a contest that invited residents of Georgia to submit their ideas for traffic safety signs, and the results are out. The contest had been announced last fall, and was meant to revamp traffic signs across the state, and make them more interesting and eye-catching. Residents were asked to submit their captions for traffic signs in several categories. These categories included distracted driving, impaired driving, seat belt use, work zone safety, and general safety.

The Georgia Department of Transportation received hundreds of entries for the contest, and chose the best and wittiest one-liners in the contest. Here’s a sampling of some of the captions that made the winners’ list.

  • If you don’t wear a seatbelt, please become an organ donor. (Seat belt use)
  • Wearing a seatbelt makes you look thinner. (Seat belt use)
  • No one wants to see traffic on Snapchat, Brenda. (Distracted driving)
  • You look great, but the selfie can wait. (Distracted driving)
  • You are allowed to use turn signals. We checked. (General safety)
  • The party should be lit, not you. Bring in the New Year safely (Impaired driving)

Witty, one-liners like these are much more likely to catch the attention of some of the most at-risk motorists on our roads. Younger motorists are much more likely to ignore typical traffic sign boards, but smart captions like these are much more likely to catch their attention. With so much competing for young motorists’ attention, both inside and outside a car, brilliant one-liners that induce a smile, are much more likely to make an impact and influence younger drivers who have some of the highest accident risks among all motorists.

The Georgia Department of Transportation has already started using some of these captions on its electronic boards.  Some of the captions are seasonal, but most can be used all throughout the year.

With traffic accident fatalities on the rise again, Georgia state authorities are being forced to come up with new and even more innovative ways to encourage motorists to obey traffic laws. Most of these captions have to do with the biggest traffic accident factors in the state. Impaired driving or drunk driving, for instance, continues to cause thousands of accidents in Georgia every year.  Although drunk driving accident statistics have been dropping steadily, the fact is that there are far too many accidents caused by drivers under the influence of alcohol or drugs in the state every year.  Distracted driving is another common accident factor that is responsible for several injuries and deaths every year.

Here’s hoping that these traffic signs will fulfill their purpose by catching the attention of motorists and encourage them to obey traffic laws and drive safely.

The Atlanta car accident attorneys at the Katz Personal Injury Lawyers represent persons injured in car accidents in the metro Atlanta region and across Georgia. If you or a loved one have been injured in a car accident, talk to a lawyer at the Katz Personal Injury Lawyers, and discuss your eligibility for a claim for damages for your losses. You could be eligible for damages that include medical costs, lost income, diminished future earnings and other damages. Schedule a free initial consultation with a lawyer at our firm.

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