
Georgia ATV Accidents and Off Road Vehicle Safety Concerns

There have been a number of ATV-related accidents reported in Georgia over the past few weeks, and unfortunately that number is expected to increase as the weather remains nice into the fall months.
In one accident, a man suffered injuries when the ATV he was riding with his wife tipped over.The husband was trapped underneath the ATV, and suffered serious injuries.In another more recent incident, a man was killed in an ATV accident when his machine collided with another vehicle.

Both of these accidents involve adult users of ATVs, but most injuries involving ATV accidents every year involve teenagers and children.This is in spite of the fact that ATV use by children is not encouraged.In fact, it is highly recommended that children below the age of 16 not be allowed to ride ATVs at all.

A recent analysis published in the Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics found that the number of children admitted to the hospital for serious ATV accidents was up 240% from 1997 to 2006.During that same time period, there was a 476% increase in the number of children suffering spinal cord injuries from three and four wheelers.These statistics are troubling to our Atlanta ATV accident lawyers, and should be to all parents as well.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission advises children below the age of 16 to avoid riding adult-sized ATVs, and encourages children to only ride ATVs that are meant for a child.Children and adults must always wear a helmet when riding an ATV, and should never ride on paved roads, or at night time.

Have fun this summer, but be safe!

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