
Filing a Claim against an Aggressive Driver

Aggressive driving is defined as driving that involves a combination of one or more traffic offenses that place other motorists at risk of an accident. If you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident involving an aggressive driver, it’s important to understand your legal rights and hire the best attorney.
An aggressive driver could be engaged in a number of different driving practices that threaten his own safety, and the safety of people around him. Aggressive drivers often don’t consider the human element, and have little regard for the safety of other motorists, cyclists and pedestrians. Simply stated, a motor vehicle in the hands of an aggressive driver turns into a dangerous weapon.

Typically, the following driving behaviors may be included in the definition of aggressive driving.

  • Speeding.This includes not only driving above the posted speed limits, but also driving at speeds that are excessive for the prevailing traffic and weather conditions.
  • Improper lane changing including failure to signal intent before changing lanes.
  • Improper passing including failure to use turn signals, or passing on the shoulder or over a double yellow line.

All of these above mentioned behaviors can increase the risk of an accident, but aggressive driving can also include any other types of negligent driving that places motorists at risk.

If you were involved in an accident with an aggressive driver, you may have to establish the other motorist’s liability in order to recover damages through a personal injury claim. Traffic reports and records may provide you with valuable evidence in addition to witness accounts.Witnesses at the scene of the accident who spotted the motorist weaving between lanes, changing lanes frequently, driving at excessive speeds, or driving erratically in other ways may be able to provide valuable testimony in support of your claim.

In addition, surveillance footage, either from traffic cameras or businesses, may also be able to shed light on the conduct of the aggressive driver and how he may have caused the automobile accident that resulted in injuries.

The most important thing to remember is that evidence tends to disappear over time.This makes it very important for you to have an experienced car accident attorney working on your behalf.

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