
Eliminate These Common Causes of Speeding-Related Car Accidents

Speeding- related car accidents kill thousands of Americans every year.  Learn  how you can reduce  the chances of becoming another speeding auto accident statistic.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, car accidents caused directly by speeding drivers contributed to 12,151 fatalities in 2022.  The  federal agency has been concerned enough about   speeding to spearhead several campaigns against these behaviors, including one earlier this year called “Speeding Catches Up with You”. The campaign warned drivers that speeding accounts for one-third of all auto accident wrongful deaths every year and implored motorists to drive at safe and appropriate speeds.

It is  important to understand that there are just a few primary reasons why people end up driving at unsafe speeds, even when they know it is dangerous to do.  Number one among these causes is frustration and aggression caused by traffic conditions.  Being  stuck in traffic can be frustrating,  and can increase the risks of rash driving or speeding. Keep updated with the traffic conditions on your way to work,  so that you are prepared for bad traffic or can take alternate routes instead.

Another  leading cause of speeding is being late to your destination.  You  are more likely to speed when you are running late to get to school, to work or to drop your child off at daycare.  In  order to reduce the risks of speeding, make sure  that you leave home with plenty of time to spare.  If  you are leaving home during peak hours, account for a few additional minutes that you may need to spend stuck  in traffic.  The  more prepared you are, the less likely you are to drive rashly.   Take alternate routes to your destination so that you can drive without worrying about being late.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, rash driving is often a  response to traffic conditions or being late, but a small proportion of motorists   drive rashly out of habit.  Driving  rashly with disregard to the consequences  can become part of a motorist’s  driving personality.  Poor driving behaviors like speeding can become a habit, especially when there are no consequences to such behaviors over a period of time.  Make  sure that you check on family members and friends who drive at high speeds.  Correcting these behaviors is essential.

Remember,  speeding increases  the amount of time it takes for your car to come to a complete stop,  reduces the effectiveness of safety systems in your car like seat belts, and  increases the risk of serious personal  injuries when you are involved in an auto accident.

The  Atlanta car accident lawyers at Katz Personal Injury Lawyers are dedicated to the representation of persons who have suffered injuries in car accidents in the metro Atlanta region and across the state of Georgia.  If  you or a loved one have suffered injuries in an auto accident, talk to an attorney at our firm and discuss your legal options for a claim for damages.  You  may    qualify for damages that include medical costs, lost income, pain and suffering and other forms of compensation.  Talk  to an attorney at our firm and discuss your case. Initial consultations are free.

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