Back to School, but Safely School is back in session again, and that means more school buses on our roads, and more harassed parents racing against the clock to get to the gates on time.This is always a riskier time of the year, not just for students, but also for…
Articles Posted in Personal Injury
Calls for Brain Injury to Be Defined As Disease
Calls for Brain Injury to Be Defined As Disease A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is not just a one-time injury that heals quickly, allowing a person to move on and forget about the injury.Rather, a person with a TBI can suffer several complications over his entire lifetime, depending on the…
Dog Bite Claims on the Rise; Insurers Pinched
Insurers Concerned over Increase in Dog Bite Claims Insurance companies are beginning to feel the bite as a nationwide increase in dog bite claims chews away at bottom lines. In 2009, there was an increase of 6.4% in the amount that insurers had to pay out to settle dog bite…
New Test for Brain Injury Could Facilitate Quicker Diagnosis
Much of brain injury treatment depends on being treated immediately after the injury, to prevent further damage to injured brain tissue.However very often, doctors fail to diagnose the injury, especially if the injured patient has not lost consciousness.Other times, doctors may be confused about whether the person has suffered a…
New Bridge at Mitchell Street In Atlanta Underway
For years, Mitchell Street Bridge had been a vital part of Atlanta transportation, helping commuters get to downtown Atlanta and all the sights there.The bridge, which had been built in 1924, has become weak and structurally deficient over the years.Local budgets allowed for little money to repair the bridge.In 2008,…
Spinal Cord Injury Patients to Benefit from New Technology
It’s not just wireless companies and commercial television stations that are in the way of a revolutionary new technology that could provide a cure for spinal cord injury. The promoters of the cure are also up against the military. However, that’s not stopping the nonprofit Alfred Mann Foundation from continuing…
Pit Bulls Attack Douglas County Woman
Douglas County Woman Has Surgery after Dog Bite Injuries A woman, who sustained serious injuries after she was attacked by a trio of pit bulls in Douglas County had to undergo surgery this week. The 56-year-old woman was on a morning walk on Monday when she was attacked by the…
Prevent Fireworks Injuries on the Fourth of July
Prevent Fireworks Injuries on the Fourth Of July With just a few days to go to everyone’s favorite holiday of the calendar, it’s important to keep in mind that every year, approximately 9,000 people have to be rushed to emergency rooms with fireworks-related injuries on the Fourth of July. Not…
Spinal Cord Injury Treatment Comes from Unlikely Source
American and Japanese researchers have found a potential treatment for spinal cord injury from an unexpected source-mice hair. This week, researchers unveiled their new discovery at the World Congress for Hair Research in Australia. Researchers stumbled on this astounding discovery by accident. They were examining the skin of mice while…
Preventing Injuries — Seatbelt Reminder for Georgia’s Pickup Truck Drivers
Last week Gov. Sonny Perdue signed a new bill requiring all pickup truck drivers in Georgia to wear seatbelts while driving their trucks. The bill takes direct aim at persons who die and are injured in truck accidents each year. According to the Georgia Department of Transportation, there were more…