A new survey by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety indicates that Americans would rather have more government interference in matters of traffic safety to prevent auto accidents, truck accidents and motorcycle accidents. Of course, these accidents often result in serious personal injuries and wrongful deaths. According to the survey,…
Articles Posted in Personal Injury
New Georgia Law Designed to reduce the number of Bicycle Accidents and Motorcycle Accidents
With increasing gas prices and unrelenting traffic congestion plaguing the state, many Georgians are finding it’s more economically savvy (and healthy, besides) to travel by bicycle or motorcycle in lieu of automobile. Unfortunately, this trend towards cycling is also resulting in an increased number of accidents involving cyclists and their…
Increase in Cost of Dog bite Claims due To Higher Dog Bite Lawsuit Verdicts
New information by the Insurance Information Institute suggests that there has been an increase in the cost of dog bite claims over the past year.The average dog bite claim cost insurers about 5% more in 2010 compared to 2009. Dog bites often result in extremely serious personal injuries. Our office…
Nursing Home Residents At Risk from Overmedication
A report by the Department of Health and Human Services finds that a shocking 80% of elderly nursing home residents in the country have been administered antipsychotic medications, for off-label purposes.Because these medications have a high risk of deaths, it is statistically likely that some of the patients died as…
More Atlanta Truck Drivers Buckle up To Prevent Injuries in Truck Accidents
Seatbelts save lives, and as new estimates indicate, the number of commercial truck drivers choosing to buckle up to prevent serious injuries or deaths in truck accidents, has increased.According to a study by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, the number of commercial truck drivers wearing seat belts has increased…
Rotator Cuff Injuries Are a Frequent Result of Slip and Fall Accidents
Rotator cuff injuries often occur as a result of slip and fall accidents, or because of repetitive stress or strain over a period of time.A severe rotator cuff injury can leave a person in constant pain and with difficulty in shoulder movement.Now, a new experimental surgery is offering a ray…
Study Finds Antidepressants Help Repair Brain Cells, Heal Brain Injury
Traumatic brain injuries are some of the most devastating injuries that Atlanta auto accident lawyers see.These serious injuries can also be seen as a result of a slip and fall accident when a person sustains impact to the head.What makes these injuries even more devastating is that there is no…
Students Injured in School Bus Accident in Gwinnett County, Georgia
Several school students were injured in a bus accident involving two school buses in Gwinnett County earlier this week.The accident occurred at an intersection where two school buses were stopped.A third bus approached the scene, and rear-ended the second bus.The driver of the third school bus sustained minor injuries, and…
Georgia Needs to Work on Preventing Bicycle Accidents and Pedestrian Accidents this summer
Georgia has some of the lowest rates of bicycling in the US.That probably has something to do with the fact that this is one of the most dangerous states for bicyclists in the country.In fact, Georgia ranks at number eight nationwide for the number of bicycle accident deaths and, of…
Atlanta Children Escape Injuries After Ferocious Dog Bite attack
A young boy waiting at the bus stop in southwest Atlanta had a miraculous escape after a dog bite attack by a pair of Rottweilers.The boy, who was about eight or nine years old was standing at the bus stop waiting for his bus, when the two dogs turned up…