
Articles Posted in Personal Injury


Georgia Researchers Investigate Stem Cell Treatment of Cerebral Palsy

Researchers at Georgia Health Sciences University are conducting the country’s first-ever tests on the use of stem cells to treat cerebral palsy.The researchers will be using stem cells from newborns’ cord blood to treat this condition. Cerebral palsy is a condition that usually arises when an infant has been deprived…


Court Awards $144 Million in Medical Malpractice Lawsuit

A Michigan jury has awarded $144 million in a medical malpractice lawsuit filed by a woman who alleged that negligence by her doctors left her baby with severe brain damage and in need of long-term care. Medical malpractice attorneys in Atlanta and elsewhere recognize the potential for sizable injury awards…


CDC to Develop Guidelines for Managing Sports-Related Brain Injuries In Students

Atlanta personal injury lawyers have been encouraged to note the increasing focus on mild traumatic brain injuries or concussions in student athletes.The Center for Disease Control and Prevention may soon develop guidelines to be used for the treatment of student-athletes with concussions. A number of lawsuits have arisen out of…


Seatbelt Failures Can Amplify Car Accident Injury Risks in Georgia

Seatbelt failures happen more often than most drivers think, and when these do occur, motorists may be at a serious risk of personal injury.Honda has now announced the recall of more than 311,000 vehicles because of potential seatbelt failure problems. Airbag and seatbelt failures are regular complaints received by accident…


Killer’s Family Can Sue Georgia Psychiatrist for Medical Malpractice for Discontinuing Medication

In a groundbreaking ruling, the Georgia Supreme Court has ruled that the family of a man, who stabbed his mother to death, can proceed with a lawsuit against the psychiatrist who discontinued the man’s medications.It has long been the law in Georgia that third parties who suffer a personal injury…


Richmond County Struggles with Increasing Bicycle Accident Numbers

Richmond County, Georgia is inching towards a distinction that it would rather not have – that of being one of the most bicycle-unfriendly regions in Georgia.Bicycle accident wrongful deaths here have been high this year, and Atlanta bicycle accident lawyers and bicyclists in the region are justifiably concerned. Just last…


Insurance Companies Held to a New Standard on Health Insurance Premiums? Not Really. Car Accident Victims Likely to Suffer from Government Inaction

Georgia’s Insurance Commissioner Ralph Hudgens is going to set insurance companies straight- well, he can try, but likely will not succeed.The piece from the national healthcare reform puzzle which requires insurance companies to justify rate increases will become effective on September 1, 2011.If this change helped to hold down rates,…


Helmets Can Help Prevent Injuries in Bicycle Accidents

It’s one of the biggest pieces of advice that Atlanta bicycle accident attorneys would give to any bicyclist – always wear a helmet while riding.Lack of a bicycle helmet substantially increases a cyclist’s chance of a brain injury in a car accident. Unfortunately, we often see bicyclists on Atlanta streets…


Are Georgia Hospitals Safe?: A Lack of Vital Information may be Compromising the Safety of Georgia Hospitals

When we go to the hospital, we go to receive treatment and care, not to contract a possibly life threatening illness. However, the reality is that not only can a hospital be a place of healing, but it is also a hot bed for germs, illness, and infections. Because of…


Motorcycle Helmets Linked to Hearing Loss; Does this increase the number of motorcycle accidents?

Motorcyclists wearing helmets may be at risk of hearing loss, not from the loud noise of their motorcycle engine, but from the sound of the wind cutting through the helmet.A new study indicates the need for greater research to produce safer helmets that don’t have any health effects. If there…

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