
Articles Posted in Children accidents


Back to School Safety Tips For Atlanta Motorists

With many school districts across Georgia, including in the metro Atlanta region, beginning in-person learning over the next few weeks, it is important for schools, students and parents to keep essential safety tips in mind. Most school districts across Georgia have announced that they will begin in-person learning soon, and…


Most Parents Fail to Use Car Safety Seats in Uber

Ride-sharing services have grown exponentially in popularity.  However, many passengers who ride in these vehicles often neglect to practice safe riding practices.  This also goes for parents riding with their children in ride-sharing vehicles. Car safety seats are the single most important means of protection against serious injury or even…


Doctors Warn of “Skull Breaker” Brain Injury Risks

A Tik Tok stunt that has recently gone viral places teens at a high risk of brain injury and spinal injury. The “Skull Breaker” challenge on the popular platform Tik Tok involves two teens pulling the legs out from under a third person who is essentially the victim. The resulting…


Disturbing Trend of No Helmets While Biking Endangers Children

Despite laws in Georgia and throughout the country, it may be surprising to know that many American parents fail to require their children to wear protective helmets while riding a bicycle or scooter, or skateboarding. Those were the findings of a new poll that surveyed 1,300 parents across the country.…


Who is Liable when Children Suffer a Dog Bite?

With the warmer weather here, people will be out in parks and their neighborhoods, and many will be with their dogs.  And while it is an almost universal truth that children love dogs, not all interactions between children and dogs involve are fun.  Instead, a child may very well suffer…


Preventing Bicycle Accident Injuries in Children

We all remember that great feeling you had when you finally learned how to ride a bike.  However, no piece of recreational equipment has as much potential for serious injury to children as the humble bicycle. Research indicates that far too many children are being rushed to emergency rooms across…


50 Percent of Parents Text While Driving With Children

Georgia recently passed the Hands-Free Law that prohibits all motorists from driving with a handheld electronic device.  However, most would be surprised to know that an astonishing number of parents admit to setting poor driving examples for their children by using cell phones and communication devices while driving. According to…


Top 10 Dangerous Toys to Avoid This Holiday Season

From choking and suffocation hazards to burn risks, there are a number of ways that the toys on this year’s list of most dangerous toys of 2017 can harm your child.   The consumer watchdog group World against Toys Causing Harm has made the job gift giving easier by compiling a…


Stricter State ATV Laws Can Prevent Child Injuries

ATVs are the most popular off-road vehicles. However, these vehicles are far too heavy and bulky for children to handle. ATV vehicle use is linked to more than 3,000 fatalities in the United States over a span of three decades. More than 50% of these fatalities involved children. The state of…

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