Daylight Savings Time kicks in across Georgia on March 8th. And while many people look forward to the longer daylight hours, the change in time also means disrupted sleep schedules as people lose that one hour of sleep. This in turn means many people are getting behind a wheel and…
Articles Posted in Car Accidents
Nanoparticle Tech Promises to be First Real Treatment for Traumatic Brain Injury
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that as many 2.5 million people in the United States suffer a brain injury every year. Brain injuries can be a result of many types of accidents including slip and falls, car accidents and bicycle accidents. Brain injuries are especially common in…
More Binge Drinking Means Greater Number of Drunk Driving Accidents
Binge drinking is defined as the consumption of an excess amount of alcohol. A person who engages in binge drinking can suffer from a number of consequences, including not surprisingly, drunk driving accidents. A new study has found that binge drinking among Americans has fallen sharply in terms of frequency.…
Recovering Damages for Whiplash Injuries in Car Accidents
Whiplash injuries are some of the more common injuries suffered by people who have been in a car accident. Whiplash injuries are often seen in fender-bender accidents when a car has been rear-ended by another vehicle. Surprisingly, as many as a million people suffer whiplash injuries every year in such…
Driving in Wet Weather: Risks and Liabilities
This time of year in the metro-Atlanta region is usually wet and rainy. This kind of weather not only puts a damper on holiday activities, but can also make engaging in any other activity more difficult than normal. For instance, driving in wet weather is always more dangerous. The roads…
Women More Likely to be injured in Accidents; Yet Safety Testing Focuses on Men
It may be surprising to learn that women are as much as 73 percent more likely to suffer serious injuries in a car accident compared to men. Yet, the country’s federal safety regulatory authorities continue to ignore the need for testing standards that focus on the unique physiological differences between…
Tips for Safe Trick or Treating This Halloween
Children of all ages love Halloween. Between the costumes, the parties, and let’s not forget the candy, what’s not to like about Halloween if you are a kid. But did you know that Halloween is actually the deadliest day of the year for children? Children are twice as likely to…
How to protect yourself when the at-fault driver doesn’t have car insurance.
One of the main purposes of car insurance is to help make you whole if you are injured in a car accident. However, not all car owners have enough insurance coverage or any at all. Unfortunately, it happens more often that it should – a person gets injured in a…
Spinal injury treatment breakthrough offers hope to victims.
Spinal cord injuries can be caused by a variety of accidents, including auto or truck crashes, as well as motorcycle, pedestrian and bicycle accidents. A serious fall accident can also result in a spinal cord injury. Spinal cord injuries are a type of catastrophic injury and can be a life-altering…
How Roundabouts Improve Traffic and Pedestrian Safety
Roundabouts, or traffic circles, are becoming more and more popular with city planners lately to improve traffic flow and overall road safety. In fact, you’ve probably run into one while driving in a residential area or around the local roads in your community. Roundabouts have been around for decades, but…