
Calls for New Administration to Prioritize Traffic Safety, Zero Accident Deaths

Traffic safety advocates are calling on the new Biden administration to prioritize road safety, especially the vision of zero traffic deaths by the year 2050.

Road accidents can have a tremendous human cost. The new administration has a personal link to the kind of tragedy and pain that result from a car accident. The President lost his first wife and daughter in a tragic car accident in 1972.

Road to Zero is the nation’s largest coalition of traffic safety organizations. The coalition along with a number of other organizations, including Vision Zero Network, and Toward Zero Deaths, has called on the Biden administration to prioritize the saving of American lives in traffic accidents and the strengthening of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Road to Zero and the other organizations are partnering with a single goal in mind – to reduce the number of preventable traffic accident fatalities to zero by the year 2050. The new Secretary-designate of Transportation as already begun meeting with lawmakers. There is hope that the new administration will prioritize road safety even as it grapples with other more pressing issues including the pandemic.

There is no doubt that a renewed focus on traffic safety is a long time coming. Most traffic safety laws, including those related to distracted driving, continue to remain weak, and in some states, poorly enforced.  Stronger enforcement of laws related to distracted driving, and seatbelt usage could definitely help reduce the number of people killed or seriously injured in preventable traffic accidents every year.

After several years of declining traffic accident death numbers in several states, including Georgia, there has been a recent increase in the number of people killed in traffic accidents. The number of pedestrian accident deaths in the country continues to rise in spite of the existence of programs that aim to improve awareness of pedestrian rights.  The safety of motorcyclists and the safety of motorists sharing the road with 18-wheelers and large commercial trucks also continue to be in question and the the threat of distracted driving remains prevalent across the country.

The fact is that much of the progress made in reducing the number of traffic accident deaths across the United States, has plateaued or, in some states, actually declined. These are troubling facts, and even in the midst of a pandemic, renewed focus should be made on how more American lives can be saved every year in totally preventable road accidents.

A car accident can result in immense suffering and pain to survivors of victims. If your loved one has been killed in a car accident, talk to an Atlanta wrongful death accident lawyer at the Katz Personal Injury Lawyers, and determine your legal options for a claim for damages. No amount of money can ever compensate for the death of a loved one, but a wrongful death claim can help recover damages for immediate expenses like funeral and burial expenses, as well as other financial losses like loss of the deceased’s income, and other damages. Talk to an attorney at our firm and discuss your options for a claim.

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