
Calls For More Research into Effects of Marijuana on Car Accident Risks

There has been plenty of evidence – driven  research into the effects of alcohol on a person’s auto accident risks, but not nearly as much effort has been put into investigating the impact of marijuana or cannabis on a person’s driving abilities. There is a significant likelihood that the use of marijuana may increase the risk of car accidents since it may slow reaction time.

Millions of Americans use marijuana.  According to some statistics, in 2023 more than 61 million Americans  admitted to using marijuana at least once in the past year. Those numbers have been rising  steadily over the years.  In 2013, only about 7% of adult Americans admitted to using marijuana.   By  2023, approximately 15% of all Americans admitted  to using marijuana. Many states have also legalized the use of marijuana,  and have found a   significant impact on their car accident rates since the legalization of the drug.  While Georgia does not have laws that allow the use of marijuana, the state does see thousands of car accidents every year caused by people who are driving under the influence of cannabis.

Researchers say that with the growing use of marijuana across the country, it is important to investigate the amount of the drug that a person can have in his system before it begins to affect his driving abilities. There is much that we know about the impact of alcohol on a person’s driving abilities and this is the reason why we have laws that make it illegal for persons to operate a motor vehicle when they have more than the allowed blood alcohol concentration.  In all 50 states, including Georgia, that limit is 08.  There has been no such intensive research into the amount of marijuana that can seriously affect a person’s driving abilities.

The research needs to happen quickly because it appears that far too many people are driving under the influence of marijuana.  In 2019, a  study by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety found that as many as 15 million American drivers admitted to having operated a car after having used marijuana.

Researchers say that the challenge to investigating the exact impact of marijuana on a person’s driving abilities lies in the varying effects of marijuana on a person’s system, depending on the method of ingestion.  As opposed to alcohol which is drunk, marijuana can be smoked, eaten or drunk. A person who smokes marijuana, for instance, may  get intoxicated quicker, but the effects of the intoxication may also wear off  quicker.  Edibles, on the other hand, may result in slower intoxication, but the effects from the use of these edibles may last for a longer time, making them possibly more dangerous to use before driving.

Avoid any kind of intoxicants before driving, including alcohol and any sort of drugs as well as certain prescription medications.

The Atlanta car accident lawyers at Katz Personal Injury Lawyers are dedicated to the representation of persons who have suffered injuries in car accidents in the metro Atlanta region and across the state of Georgia.  If you  or  a loved one have suffered injuries in a car accident, talk to a lawyer at our firm and discuss your legal options for a claim for damages.  You  may qualify for compensation that includes  economic damages like medical costs, lost income  as well as non – economic damages.  Talk  to an attorney at our firm and discuss your case.  Initial  consultations are free.

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