
Back to School, but Safely

Back to School, but Safely

School is back in session again, and that means more school buses on our roads, and more harassed parents racing against the clock to get to the gates on time.This is always a riskier time of the year, not just for students, but also for Atlanta’s motorists.It’s very likely that most children and their parents have forgotten about safety over the holidays, and hence, this reminder.

There will be thousands of children across Georgia using school buses after the long summer.According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, children are more likely to be injured when they are either getting down from, or getting on the bus, and not when they are riding on one.That is definitely something that parents need to think about.

Teach your child these golden rules.

·Stand at least 6 feet away from the curb at the stop.

·Line up as you see the bus approaching.

·Don’t rush to board a bus.Instead, wait until the bus comes to a complete stop, and the driver gives you the all clear.

·Never loiter behind a bus that’s stopped.

·Hold your bag and other belongings tightly as you enter the bus.If you happen to drop something, let the driver know before you pick it up because he won’t see you otherwise.

If this advice doesn’t apply to you, make sure you drive carefully around a school zone.Look out not just for school buses, but also cars making a mad dash to the school just in time for classes.You will see plenty of these over the next few days as parents and children get used to the new timings.Also watch out for pedestrian children on the sidewalks, and children biking to school.

The Atlanta auto accident lawyers at the Katz Personal Injury Lawyers represent injured victims of auto accidents in the metro Atlanta region and across Georgia.

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