
Avoid Car Accidents This Thanksgiving Holiday

The Thanksgiving holiday weekend is one of the deadliest holidays of the year with law enforcement agencies recording thousands of car accidents during these 4 days.

Thanksgiving ranks right up there with New Year’s Eve, St. Patrick’s Day and Cinco de Mayo as one of the most alcohol -intense holidays of the year.  There is a special tradition attached to Thanksgiving which makes it even more strongly linked to alcohol – related car accidents.  The Wednesday before the Thanksgiving holiday, typically called Drinksgiving or Black Out Wednesday, ranks as the single biggest drinking day of the year.  More  alcohol is consumed on this Wednesday than on any other holiday. This means that as you set out for your Thanksgiving break, you are likely to be sharing the road with people who are highly intoxicated on alcohol after having drunk excessively the previous day.

It is not just drunk drivers that motorists need to be extra cautious of during Thanksgiving. Statistics show the incidence of all other types of dangerous driving behaviors including speeding and distracted driving also increases over this holiday weekend.  This combination of drinking, being distracted by mobile phones and other passengers in the car as well as speeding to get to their destination on time makes for an ideal combination that increases the risks of being involved a serious car accident. Bear in mind that the Thanksgiving holiday is also when emergency responders and hospital emergency rooms are stressed to their limit which means that if you are involved in a serious car accident, help might be delayed.

The best way to avoid being involved in auto accidents during the Thanksgiving weekend is to avoid driving in the first place. Flying is safer than driving through heavy traffic.  If flying isn’t possible and driving is the only way to get to your destination, make sure that you do your traffic research beforehand.  Look for routes that may be longer, but may see lower volumes of  traffic.  Leave home at a time that helps you beat the initial traffic rush.

If you are travelling with small children, make sure that your children are not a source of distraction for you while driving.  Keep a stash of small toys, coloring materials, puzzles  and games  to  keep children occupied during the long drive to your destination. Leave home with plenty of time to arrive at your destination, and always plan a buffer of a couple of days.  Remember  that an average of 40 million Americans travel over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, and you are very likely to be sharing the roads with these motorists.  Expect delays and plan accordingly –  it can help you avoid flying into a road rage when stuck in traffic.

The  Atlanta car accident lawyers at Katz Personal Injury Lawyers are dedicated to the representation of persons who have suffered injuries in  car accidents in the metro Atlanta region and across the state of Georgia.  If   you or a loved one have suffered injuries in a car accident, talk  to a lawyer at our firm and discuss your legal options for a claim for damages.  You may qualify for damages that include medical costs, lost income and other types of compensation. 

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