
Auto Accident Injuries Decrease with Stronger Auto Roofs

A new study confirms that stronger automobile roofs minimize the severity of injuries in a rollover auto accidents. The study conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration compared automobile roof strength test results of several cars with real- life rollover auto accidents. The researchers found a direct link between automobile roof strength results and the number of centimeters that the roof is pushed into the occupant at the time of an auto accident. Earlier studies had also confirmed that stronger auto roofs lower the risk of, as well as severity of, injuries to the head, neck and face.

The NHTSA study comes at an opportune time. Last year, the agency had announced that it was strengthening auto roof strength standards. According to the agency’s new standards, automakers will need to maintain a ratio of 1.5 for vehicles with gross weight ratings from 6,000 to 10,000 pounds. The current ratings only require a ratio of 1.5 for vehicles with gross weight ratings of up to 6,000 pounds. According to the agency, the new rules will lead to approximately 135 lives being saved every year in rollover auto accidents.

Rollovers comprise a small percentage of the total number of car accidents in the US every year. However, these are some of the most devastating auto accidents that Atlanta car accident attorneys come across, and in fact, cause approximately 30% of all traffic fatalities. The NHTSA has focused heavily on reducing the numbers of wrongful deaths in these auto accidents. For instance, new rules require all automobiles to come with electronic stability control systems that reduce the risk of a rollover. You can now find electronic stability control systems on most models that are available in the market. These systems prevent the risk of a rollover by allowing the driver to retain control over his vehicle during certain high-risk maneuvers, like braking or turning at high speeds.

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